THE Hong Kong Association of Freight Forwarding and Logistics has re-elected Paul Tsui of the Janel Group in HK as HAFFA chairman for a further two years at the association's annual general meeting, as well as appointed its 2011/2013 executive committee.
A HAFFA statement said that to strengthen continuity of the association's "vision and policy implementation, and to better utilise resources, the term of the executive committee was extended from one year to two years, and a special resolution to this effect was passed" during an extraordinary general meeting.
Said Dr Tsui: "The two-year term will enable me to work with the association to maximise the initiatives we have created in the past, and to develop and implement a range of new programmes for the benefit of our industry. As the environment in which we operate is changing rapidly, it is of enormous benefit to have continuity for the next 24 months in order to be able to quickly realise opportunities as they arise. There is much work to be done."
The association has participated in developing programmes in the areas of IT, storage and training. According to Dr Tsui the many challenges faced by the association's members include security and trade facilitation and the proposed third runway at Hong Kong International Airport as well as closer ties with government departments in mainland China.
Members of the newly elected executive committee are: Simon Lee of AE Eagle Freight Transportation (China), Edmond Fung of Alltrans Cargo (HK), Danny Wong of Cargo Freight Services, Eddie Law of Dimerco Air Forwarders (HK), Andy Poon of Hellmann Worldwide Logistics, Andre Delarue of Rhenus Logistics Asia-Pacific, Xyras Chung of Scanwell Freight Express (HK), Joseph Leung of SIMX Project X & Trade Cooperation Associated, Eric Wong of Trans Global Logistics (HK), KS Li of U-Freight and Samson Choi of Worldtrans Air-Sea Service.