Handling of cargo at the port of Kavkaz in January-March 2011 dropped by 22.3% from the last year’s figures to 1,106,430 tons, the Kavkaz Port Authority said. In the reporting period the port handled 345 cargo ships vs 455 vessels a year earlier.
Three-month exports volume fell by 1.3% to 952,110 tons, the volume of cargo transshipped at the anchorage totaled 110,600 tons (-36.5%), Imports slumped by 6.5 times to 43,720 tons.
Port of Kavkaz is situated between the Azov and the Russian Black Sea coast. The 4.5-m-deep harbor allows handling river boats and seagoing ships (at outer anchorage). The port specializes in handling dry bulk cargo (mineral fertilizer, concentrates of various ores, grain), general cargo, timber, and containers. In 2010, Kavkaz port’s cargo throughput totaled 9,65 million tons.